Lake House~Memorial Weekend 2011

Lake House~Memorial Weekend 2011
No Internet here!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Another Busy Day.

Nope Aint Raked Yet~I like to wait until all the leaves fall :-)

This picture isn't Great but can you see the lake?

Picked this color out for 2 of the bedrooms in this house.

(Calming Green with shell white trim.)

Hope you can see the contrast between the two.


  1. That is a nice green. Glad you picked different light trim color. I find it makes a room look elegant.

    I want to drop a fishing line in the lake. Gosh you and my cousin are going to convince me to move to NC.

  2. I like that color too. Oh and isn't fall so fun? I let the leaves stay outside for a while because my kids love playing in them so much :)

  3. The color looks great and love the contrast. We start collecting leaves and putting it in the garden areas, really helps the soil out. I really like walking through thick part of leaves and hearing the crunch, I like to kick them around too...

  4. Supi~ Thanks and your welcome here anytime. Infact there is another house in this area that just went up for sale this past week.

    Elisabeth~Thank You~I love Fall too. My son liked playing in the leaves until the rake fit his hands too. :)

    Sassy~ Thank You and I seek out the crunchy leaves to walk through too.I just love the sound and smell of Fall.
